FAA Further Study, Public Notice, and Circularized Cases

FAA Further Study, Public Notice, and Circularized Cases

Circularization in the aeronautical study process occurs after the sponsor of a proposed structure files Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)  Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration, when it is shown that the structure would exceed obstruction standards, require a change in an aeronautical operation or procedure or have an effect on an airport or VFR air traffic.

Circularization presents an opportunity for concerned entities, including the sponsor, to submit comments for consideration by the FAA during the Aeronautical Study.  The Federal Aviation Administration will not always automatically initiate what is termed a “further study”, which includes the Circularization of a Public Notice, without a request by the sponsor to do so.

Public Notices (Circularization) are distributed to entities believed to have input that will aid in evaluating the proposed structure’s aeronautical impacts.

Circularization distribution lists include, but are not limited to city, state, and local aviation authorities, airport authorities, flying clubs, aviation organizations, fixed base operators, and charter flight services.

An FAA Obstruction Evaluation Specialist will evaluate all comments received as a result of the Circularization process prior to issuing a Determination but will only consider valid aeronautical objections and comments.  Public comments of a non-aeronautical nature, such as emotion-based opinions, will not be considered in the obstruction evaluation process.